General Admission
Buy General Admission Tickets HERE
- 2024 Season: Every Friday and Saturday in October and November 1st from 8 pm till Midnight.
- General Admission price is $15.
- There is no age limit for general admission, but we do recommend ages 12 and up.
Fast Pass
- Skip the line with a Fast Pass ticket!
- Fast Pass price is $25.
- Fast Pass is only available during regular haunt hours and not valid for any special events such as Hell Night or Lights On.
Chainsaw Night!
- Saturday, October 5th , 2024 from 8 pm till midnight.
- 2$ discount for anyone wearing merch from your favorite power equipment brand.
Juggalo Night Whoop Whoop!
- Saturday, October 19th, 2024 from 8 pm midnight.
- 2$ discount if you show your juggalo pride! Wear your paint or show a Hatchet man tattoo to save!
Lights On
- Saturday, October 26th, 2024 from 2 pm till 4 pm.
- Lights On price is $5.
- Experience The Last Carnival without the fear!
- Our Lights On tour is a kid friendly, scare free way to see what goes bump in the dark!
Hell Night
- Saturday, November 2nd from 8pm till midnight. YOU MUST SIGN A WAIVER.
- Hell Night price is $25.
- This event is ages 18 and up. Those under the age of 18 will need a parent or guardian to sign the waiver.
- This is an extreme event designed to give a more intense experience!
- You will be touched.
- You will be exposed to profanity, nudity, and adult content.
- You and your clothing/property may get wet, dirty, or stained.
- You will scream, cry, beg for your mommy, and wet your pants!